Saturday, May 16, 2009


It's interesting here young women don't want to be dark skinned whereas in America some women pay money to tan. The people here generally have a little more pigment in their skin than white Europeans or Russians etc. Therefore if they get out in the sun their skin becomes dark. One girl I know won't even go on a field trip because she is afraid her skin will become too dark and she won't be pretty any more. Crazy how people invent these artificial ideas about what is beautiful. Girls here when they pick cotton wrap their faces in a cloth so that the sun won't make their faces dark. The most widely read magazine in our faculty room is the Oriflame catalogue full of beauty products.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised. it's the same way here in China. Anyone with darker skin is called "black" (even though they're not). Many girls carry umbrellas in the summer to keep the sun off of themselves.
